
Transforming the lives of women struggling with drug and alcohol addiction by providing a long-term residential program to experience physical, emotional, and spiritual healing through recovery.

About Me

My photo
Breakthru House, Inc., is a member of the Action Ministries family of ministries. Action Ministries, Inc. is an independent, faith-based, Georgia non-profit corporation with roots in the United Methodist Church. As the first long-term residential recovery program for women in Georgia, Breakthru House is designed to meet the unique needs of women struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Utilizing the 12 Steps and a Therapeutic Community, Breakthru House provides a safe, structured drug free environment to foster a life of recovery while therapeutically addressing addiction as a disease, unresolved grief, trauma, and poor self-esteem issues commonly associated with female addicts. Since its founding in 1969, Breakthru House's founding principle remains constant: physical, emotional, and spiritual healing through recovery is possible when each woman's treatment program is designed to meet their individual needs.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog Launch Party!!

by Melanie Storrusten, LCSW, Clinical Coordinator

Here at Breakthru House, we are pretty excited about our blog! To celebrate, we threw a drop-in blog launch party Tuesday night. There were refreshments, campus tours, and of course, our blog unveiling! If you missed it, you missed a great time! Enjoy the pictures!

Our post-card advertisement - Designed by Melanie Storrusten, our Clinical Coordinator, and Bryan Bradley, a local web designer

On to the party!!!

Long-time friend of Breakthru, Zoe Hicks, and new friend of Breakthru, Betsy Edwards
Breakthru House's Resident Manager, Gail Whitton, Executive Director, Kate Boyer, and Administrative Coordinator, Kaysha Corniffe
Our Clinical Coordinator, Melanie Storrusten, and Counselor, Jessica Jenkins

 Others in attendance included church liasons and volunteers, neighborhood residents, and supportive family and friends! If you missed out, don't worry! You can always find out more information and get connected with Breakthru House by subscribing to our blog, visiting our website, or checking out our Action Ministries facebook page!

1 comment:

  1. See the power of positive thinking within you. God bless you
